What are your New Year’s Resolutions for 2022?
So, what changes are you planning to make starting on January 1, 2022? Do you plan to lose weight? Get a new job? Clean out the attic? Complete a big home improvement project? Say goodbye to Covid-19 forever?! This one should be on everyone’s list. These are all great resolutions, but the BlueBox Rental dumpster company staff would like you to know that if you have big plans that lead to big messes, they can there to help.
This year, as you resolve to do a major spring cleaning — and clean out — or gut a bathroom for a complete makeover, a dumpster can come in handy. Many people start such projects and end up with a big mess in the yard that has to be cleaned up. This problem can be solved by having a BlueBox dumpster delivered to the driveway or side yard. The mess gets made and gets put directly into the dumpster before it ends up in a pile. While you’re focusing on the next phase of the project, the BlueBox Rental driver will haul the mess to the local landfill.
Need Help Making Resolutions?
Some people want a new start to the new year, but don’t know where to start. Most resolutions fall into one of seven categories. Those categories are family, career, spiritual, financial, social, physical and intellectual.
Here’s a few links to articles with ideas. Try this one from Country Living and this one from Good Housekeeping. These include achievable resolution ideas from improving your health, budget, time management and so much more, because everyone can afford to take a step forward and do life a little better.
Good News from 2021
Much of the news from 2021 is not good. Sometimes the dark clouds are big and your have to search for the silver linings. Click here to read about some good news stories from the past year. You can read about a teen doing random acts of kindness every day of the pandemic. This link also shows you thebeauty of Christmas wreaths from many front doors. There are many great stories to bring a smile to your face as you consider your New Year’s resolutions.
Contact BlueBox for your Dumpster Needs in 2022
If you need a rental dumpster for a project tied to a resolution for 2022, click here. You can also call the BlueBox office at 301.333.9500 or text a customer service representative 240.219.5839. Most of off the BlueBox dumpsters start around $300.